Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Elisha in da house!!!


I have chosen to do a women's snow boarding brand!

Well that just answered question two.

I want to cater to women in their 20's - 30's (ah f@%k it... any age!!!) who want to look good boarding. all sizes too!
         I think it's obvious that the season is SNOW SEASON!!! ha ha ha

Fashion and function! fun, flirty, attractive, you can look good in my brand no matter what! makes you feel pretty :)

I want my clothing to be made of recycled materials.

I want my brand to be global.

COLOUR SCHEME.... well i want girly colours... pink, purple, light blue, aqua, white, turquoise....

Some initial brand names that have come to my head are:

  2. off PEAK
  3. E S SNOW
  4. Goddess
  5. method ice
  6. free-zone
  7. chilli
  8. below minus
  9. degrees celsius
  10. drop zone
  11. static ice
  12. frozen dreams
  13. ice maiden
  14. snow f x
  15. winter playground
  16. ice garden
  17. gem
  18. liquid ice
  19. forever white
  20. hot ice
  21. ella ice
  22. ETS
  23. elisha snow
  24. serious snow
  25. X factor
  26. frost
  27. chill tactix
  28. ivory
  29. classix
  30. sno- leopard
  31. giant snow 
  32. oz snow
  33. icy thrills/I C thrills
  34. Sno angels   
  35. Leo Snow
  36. White Tiger 
  37. mystix
  38. mystic sno
  39. white rush
  40. snow n ice  
  41. kriztel peex (crystal peaks)
  42. winter realm
  43. wild child
  44. candy ice
  45. white chocol8
  46. elisha's design
  47. without wings
  48. destination
  49. glamma (glamour)
  50. just snow
  51. sno kitty
  52. lioness
  53. snow queen
  54. defdefyin
  55. crysal air
  56. white rush
  57. global meltdown
  58. sexsymbol
  59. sexsells/sexcells
  60. sexyfree
  61. cooly candy
  62. icycle / icy cool
  63. paradice / pairodice
  64. gypsy
  65. frozen milk
  66. MILF
  67. broken ice
  68. winter stars
  69. alpine fem
  70. minus zero
  71. gang green
  72. frost bite
  73. crakalakin
     ......and i want everyones opinion on which they like so get commenting!!!!

What else am i supposed to put in here???


  1. wicked ideas alysha really apealing

  2. what about chill out or chill factor

  3. what about ICFX, not that u don't already have many ideas....WHY IS THERE NO nice SNOW GEAR FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE 40!!

  4. what about 'ON ICE' or 'STDs'

  5. ice maiden is pretty cool for a womens only brand. I like chill tactix, I c thrills, off peak ( oh and ella ice, you funny girl!! )

  6. Why don't you Put a few names there Elisha!!
    You've got some really good ones though BUT you haven't got this one... 42BElow
